This page is dedicated to providing factual information regarding the attacks on Ardoch Algonquin First Nation. We will continue to post community responses here that highlight the hate and lateral violence that members and the community at large are being subjected to as a result of inaccurate and misleading characterizations of specific members as not being Indigenous or Indigenous enough because the community is a historical community and is not organized under the colonial Indian Act. These attacks are vicious and libellous and Ardoch Algonquin First Nation will continue to stand up and pursue all available options to combat this discrimination. New documents are at the top. If you scroll down you will see older documents in order of posting on the website. Media or other interested parties can reach out to community spokesperson: Mireille Lapointe @ 613-273-3530 or We suggest that anyone interested in discussing this issue read AAFN’s complete response to the FPG Report submitted to Queen’s University prior to reaching out. That document is also accessible by scrolling down the page.
Document one is AAFN’s summary response to Queen’s University acceptance of the report on Indigenous Identity prepared by FPG. It was sent out to media and social media on August 3.
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Document Two is a response from Queen’s University related to the full AAFN response to the FPG report being accepted upon receipt with no consultation or critical review of the research and findings. It was received by email to our legal council on August 2.
Document Three is the full AAFN response to the acceptance of the FPG report by Queen’s University. Note this was sent to Queen’s U on July 26th.
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End of Documents. If you have read this far, please consider reading more of the website to learn the actual history of the community.